Here is the postman essay for class one to twelve. This postman essay contains context with bullet points. Clue: Introduction, Uniform, Duties, Action in village, Action in town, Payment and conclusion.
A postman is a well-known person in our society. He is the most awaited person who brings news from our near and dear ones living in distance place. He wears khaki dress with turban on his head. Every day at a particular time he is seen passing through the streets. Sometimes he walks wearily with a heavy bag under his arms. Sometimes he looks energetic and trips lightly the long distance with a lamp and a light heart.
In ancient time there was no existence of a postman. Once the consciousness of profession grew in them and they started to live far away from their families for the sake of job. Then they need a medium of communication. The introduction of postal system fulfilled their demand. Thus the service of a postman started his journey.
A postman’s service is invaluable in consideration of importance. Though he us a petty service holder, his responsibility is very big. He is very punctual and dutiful. He attends the office in time and performs his duty sincerely. If he is unable to discharge his duty for special cause or illness, it may cause irresponsible loss to the people concerned. This is why he has to join his office and to perform his duties in all good or bad weather.
Action in the village:
The postman goes to his office early and begins to work. He opens the mail bag and sorts the latter and other postal articles. After arranging everything he hands over the outgoing letters and postal articles to the runners. Then he goes out for his respective duties of his areas.
A village postman usually delivers the latters to receivers through a known person. On the hat or bazar day of the week he hands over the letters to the persons who will be able to give them to the man or woman concerned.
In the town:
But in the town the picture of delivering letters is different from that of village. He goes from door to door and drops the letter into the letter boxes. Where there is no letter box, he quickly drops the latter through the doors or windows or offers them to the person if available. But to deliver registered parcels, money orders etc. he has to call the addresses.
Though a postman performs a very useful duty, he is given a petty payment for his service. So he is a neglected person in the society and can hardly meet his needs. The government should consider the importance of his duty. In this case, government should pay its sight towards the postman to change his lot.
At last we can say that the postman does a very important job for us for our society. He brings the most important news to us. He brings happiness and sorrow to us. His duty is too much important to make us up to date with our current situation. Although in present world we can easily communicate through electronic media there are some places where the postman is the only way to communicate. So we all should respect the duty of a postman also the man who do this duty.
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