Prayer in right time is very important. You must have to pray your prayer in time otherwise you have to pray kaza. If you are in Dhaka this prayer chart is for you. Prayer time in Chittagong also available at the end of this article. This prayer time in Dhaka chart has been taken from the official Islamic finder website.
Prayer Time Dhaka Chart
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Qibla is in which direction?
Many of us very often confused about the qibla. Sometimes we missed the qibla. Google has a very essential service for finding qibla. They call it as qibla finder. You can use qibla finder from web of you can use the qibla finder mobile app for better experience. Qibla finder use your location to give you the exact direction of qibla.
Prayer time in Chittagong
Prayer time in Chittagong. Chittagong is the second capital of Bangladesh. If you are in Chittagong this prayer chart is for you. This prayer time in Chittagong chart has been taken from the official Islamic finder website. Chittagong is very well known about its religious activities. You can also call this chart as salat time in Chittagong Bangladesh.
Prayer time in Chittagong
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Prayer time Dhaka Islamic foundation
Islamic foundation is the biggest Islamic organization for the Islamic religion. Islamic foundation research and clear the confusion of different Islamic activities in Bangladesh. Prayer time Dhaka Islamic foundation has a prayer time calendar for the Bangladeshi Muslims. In this article we collect the chart from them.
Prayer time Dhaka pdf
This is an exclusive post for prayer time in Dhaka. If you want to get the full chart of prayer time for all the big cities in Bangladesh, you can get the full prayer time calendar. Download the full calendar of prayer time in Dhaka pdf.
Fazar namaz time in Dhaka
Fazar namaz is the best for every Muslims. There are many benefits of taking Fazar prayer. According to Islamic finder and our prayer time in Dhaka chart Fazar namaz time in Dhaka is 5:12 AM. You all are encouraged to take the Fazar namaz seriously and every day. You will also get the Fajr time today in Dhaka form the prayer-time of Dhaka chart.
Namaz time today
Five times namaz is a must for every Muslims. Taking prayer every day is also must for every Muslims. As we made a chart above you can maintain that time table for everyday prayer. Namaz time today can be the above chart.
Being a good Muslim you must say your prayers. Five times prayer is the key to Jannat. You must ask about your prayer to the Almighty Allah. Five times prayer first above all works. Say your prayers according to the proper rules. In this article we have shown two chart of prayer time. Prayer time in Dhaka and prayer time in Chittagong. May Allah give us the strength of praying five times daily.
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